New Pup & More


Well, after beaucoup work and computer related time killers, this boy is finally finished. He will be off to his forever home in New Mexico soon – but before his departure, we had to have a little photo shoot so show off his glorious self….


For lack of better name temporarily, we are calling him “Mr. Pup” – he is 1 1/2 inches high and has eight (count ’em 8!) ball joints strung with jewelry elastic.


Carved from Holly wood, painted with alkyd oil paints, and polyurathane varnished up to silky perfection.


Was fun to paint this type of patchy pattern on his backside.


He is a very happy Beagle boy!


He found another little doggy friend here and they decided to sit for a chat before his flight to New Mexico.


I think someone felt a bit jealous, though….





Anyway, not sure what became of that little bit of dolly politics. As it turns out, Robin was just coming by to tell the hooligans some good news. Auntie Victoria has agreed (and already started to work on) a little wee home just for them. Someplace where they can make the rules and no biggy dolls will be allowed. How cool is that?!!


6 thoughts on “New Pup & More

  1. Sweet. Glad to see another dolly story. Bye Bye Beagle. Hope to see you pop up somewhere later. :) Also, looking forward to seeing Auntie Victoria’s tree house!

  2. Oh Gosh How Incredibly Adorable – Mr Pups is Glorious, and I just had to giggle – no way he was gonna get kicked outta that chair with that adorable little head tilt look – Squeeeeeee about the new little dog houses by Victoria – These pups are gonna Live In StyleMosT! ~ LuV, TiGGy

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